We’re building ADUs at scale.

We’re building affordable housing in desirable communities, increasing property values for pioneering homeowners, and enhancing density through the development of ADUs… Accessory Dwelling Units.

And we’re building them for free.

About Lease The Lawn.

By the way, what’s an ADU?

“An accessory dwelling unit (ADU) is a smaller, independent residential dwelling unit located on the same lot as a stand-alone (i.e., detached) single-family home. ADUs go by many different names throughout the U.S., including accessory apartments, secondary suites, and granny flats.”

American Planning Association


When done correctly, creating density in an established neighborhood can provide a community with significant benefits for pioneering homeowners, renters, and more.

People who live in dense, walkable communities tend to be healthier, happier, and more productive. Property values are generally higher due to demand exceeding supply. And local governments pay less in infrastructure costs to support urbanites vs suburbanites.

Unfortunately, increasing density in existing urban communities can be cost-prohibitive using traditional mid-rise or high-rise development methodologies.

Our Lease The Lawn program will increase property values for pioneering homeowners, provide affordable housing for renters, and increase urban density in cities.

And we do it for free.

We believe it’s time to reimagine “Not In My Backyard” to “Yes In My Backyard*.”


“The key is not just piling up people in buildings higher and higher and higher and creating vertical suburbs where people just interact in the building, it's to build cities that can be dense, that can be close together.”

Richard Florida, Professor of Cities at University of Toronto, Author of The Rise of the Creative Class, Co-Founder of CityLab, Distinguished Fellow at NYU

Book a Consultation

We’ll prepare a proposal and walk you through every step of the process.